Friday 24 February 2012

Monday 20 February 2012

“I never made du’a to Allah for anything except that He gave it to me … except for one thing.”

“I never made du’a to Allah for anything except that He gave it to me … except for one thing.”

Imam ibnul Jawzi (rahimahullah) wrote a book about the virtues of Imam Ahmad (rahimahullah) in which he details a beautiful story that teaches us the importance of regular adhkaar.

Imam Ahmad was the most famous man in the Muslim world both before and after the fitanh during his lifetime. Imam ad-Dhahabi even said that he had the largest Janazah that took place in that era. In just one day, 1.3 million people came to pray Janazah on him. SubhanAllah. Just imagine how popular and beloved he was, rahimahullahu ta’ala. He would cover his face when travelling to seek knowledge so people wouldn’t notice him. Look at the humility.

One day, he was travelling to ash-Shaam and on the way, he stops by a Masjid to spend the night. The guard of the Masjid tells him,”You need to get out, the Masjid is closing”. “I have no where to go,” said Imam Ahmad. “Ukhruj.. get out,” said the guard.Now, he could have said, “Oh, by the way, I’m Imam Ahmad,” but he didn’t. Instead, he, rahimahullah, took his belongings and went to sleep on the steps of the Masjid. The guard came outside and told him to get off the steps and go somewhere else. Imam Ahmad didn’t know what to do.

This guard then picks up Imam Ahmad by his legs and drags him to the middle of the street and drops him.

So now Imam Ahmad is like.. “uhh.. Okay..”

A baker who owned a bakery across the street saw Imam Ahmad and said, “You can stay in my bakery tonight. I’ll be doing some work .. you can come sleep here”. So he opens the way for him.

Imam Ahmad (rahimahullah) observes this man. He’s putting the dough together, putting it in the oven, and through every step of the process .. kneading, forming, baking, etc., the man is saying:

SubhanAllah, Alhumdulillah, La ilaha il Allah, Allahu Akbar …

SubhanAllah, Alhumdulillah, La ilaha il Allah, Allahu Akbar …

SubhanAllah, Alhumdulillah, La ilaha il Allah, Allahu Akbar …

The entire night, he is making tasbeeh of Allah subhanahu wata’ala.

Imam Ahmad is shocked. Think about it, how quickly people get tired of tasbeeh, yet this man is constantly doing dhikr at his workplace! This isn’t even Tahajjud or I’tikaaf or something.

Imam Ahmad then asks him, “How long have you been in this situation?” He says, “Which situation?” “Making tasbeeh of Allah,” he said.

“My whole life,” said the baker.

Imam Ahmad asks him a second question. “What have you seen from Allah as a result of all this tasbeeh that you make?”

Maa da’utullaha li shay, illa a’taani iyyaa … “I never made du’a to Allah for anything except that He answered it.”

Imam Ahmad sais, “SubhanAllah! You never made du’a to Allah for anything except that he gave it to you?!

And he repeated.. “I never made du’a to Allah for anything except that He gave it to me … except for one thing.”

Imam Ahmad (rahimahullah) said, “And what is that?”

He said, ”an aral Imam Ahmad” … “To have a chance to see Imam Ahmad”

Imam Ahmad (rahimahullah) is brought to tears. He embraces this man and says:

“SubhanAllah. Qad jaa aka bi Ahmad. Yajurruhu bi rijlihi ila makhbazikh…” …“Here is Allah! He brought you Ahmad, dragging him by his feet to your bakery” ..”if it wasn’t for you, I could have slept in peace at the Masjid”.



اذْكُر رَّبَّكَ فِي نَفْسِكَ تَضَرُّعاً وَخِيفَةً وَدُونَ الْجَهْرِ مِنَ الْقَوْلِ بِالْغُدُوِّ وَالآصَالِ وَلاَ تَكُن مِّنَ الْغَافِلِينَ

And remember your Lord within yourself in humility and in fear without being apparent in speech – in the mornings and the evenings. And do not be among the heedless. [7:205]

-Fi Amanillah-

Source: lecture (live) by Sh. Omar Suleiman.

Tuesday 14 February 2012

Why Sorry ??? Get Lost V̶a̶l̶e̶n̶t̶i̶n̶e̶sD̶a̶y̶ I'm a Muslim & 

PЯǾUd to Be A Muslim ..♥

Monday 13 February 2012


Ya Allah! 

I said: I'm in pain

You replied: Despair not of the Mercy of Allah [39:53]

I said: nobody knows what's in my heart
You said: Verily, in the remembrance of Allah do hearts find rest [13:28]

I said: many people hurt me
You replied: Remember me & ask forgiveness for them [3:135]

I said: I feel alone
You replied: we are closer to him than his Jugular vein [50:16]

I said: my sins are so many
You replied: None can forgive sins but Allah [3:135]

I said: dont leave me
You replied: Remember me; I will remember you [2:152]

Sunday 12 February 2012

Namaz Ka Sahi Tareeka

Namaz Parhne Ka Sahi Amli Tarika - Sahi or Ghalat Ki Nishandahi

Like And Share the Right Way

Just say "NO" to Valentine's Day

Just say "NO" to V̶a̶l̶e̶n̶t̶i̶n̶e̶s D̶a̶y̶ ,, I am a Muslim

فروری کے مہینے میں ہمارے میڈیا پر دل کی بیماری کے جراثیم خاص طور پر حملہ آور ہوتے 

ہیں اورہر چینل پر سرخ رنگ جابجا نظر آتا ہے جو کہ خطرے کی علامت ہے،میڈیا سے گزارش 

ہے کہ اگر اس نے عوام کے دلوں میں اپنی جگہ بنانی ہے اور لمبی عمر چاہتا ہے تواپنی اقدار 

و روایات کا خاص خیال رکھے اور طبیعت زیادہ خراب ہو تو کسی عالم دین سے رجوع کرے ۔

ان شا اللہ شفا ہوگی

ALLAH is all Merciful

Ya ALLAH Forgive My Sins.

ALL Days Are For ALLAH To Worship Him

NO Valentine's Day,
NO Chocolate Day,
NO Friendship Day,

ALL Days Are For ALLAH To Worship Him.

Don't Celebrate These Days. OR Prepare Yourselves For The Day Of Judgement.



●••●••●••●••●••●••●• الحمد لله الحمد لله الحمد لله •●

●••●••●••●••●••●• الحمد لله الحمد لله الحمد لله •●••●

●••●••●••●••●• الحمد لله الحمد لله الحمد لله •●••●••●

●••●••●••●• الحمد لله الحمد لله الحمد لله •●••●••●••●

●••●••●• الحمد لله الحمد لله الحمد لله •●••●••●••●••●

●••●• الحمد لله الحمد لله الحمد لله •●••●••●••●••●••●

●• الحمد لله الحمد لله الحمد لله •●••●••●••●••●••●••●

Saturday 11 February 2012

Good Character ! !!

| ~Tip For Lifetime~ |

Try to pretend that, You are Happy, 

Slowly it becomes Your Habit & 

Finally it becomes Your Character . . . ! ! !

Friday 10 February 2012

JUMMA Mubarak

.✿.. Sura Al-Ankaboot #11 ..✿.

اور اللہ ضرور ایسے لوگوں کو ممتاز فرما دے گا جو (سچے دل سے) ایمان لائے ہیں اور منافقوں کو (بھی) ضرور ظاہر کر دے گا
And Allah most certainly knows those who believe, and as certainly those who are Hypocrites. 

Wednesday 8 February 2012

NO Valentine's Day

Valentine kya?

1 Yahoodi jiska Nam 'Valentine' tha
Usny Shadi Sy Pehly Larka Or Larki K Beech(ZINA) Ko Jayiz Qarar
Dya Tha
is bat Pr U.K Ki Govt. Ny Usy 14 Feb Ko Phansi Ki Saza Di Thi
is Din Ko U.K Ki New Generation Ne Uski Yad Me Celebrate Krna
Shuru Kr Dya
Afsos Sad Afsos
Ab MUSLMAN B is Din Ka Ehtmam Krty Hain
Yad Rahy:
AAP(S.A.W.W) K Farman ka mafhom hy
"jo Koi Jis Qoum Ki Nqal kry Ga Wo Un hi Me Sy Ho Ga"
Plz Zara Sochein
is Sharamnak Din Ki ISLAM Me Kya Hesiyt hy?

NO Valentine's Day

Say NO To Valentine's Day - All Days Are For ALLAH To Worship Him.
May God Bless You And Your Family (Ameen)

Tuesday 7 February 2012

Celebrating Valentine's Day

Celebrating Valentine's Day

Praise be to Allah, the Lord of the Worlds, and blessings and peace be upon our Prophet Muhammad and upon all his family and companions. Allah has chosen for us Islam as our religion and He will not accept any other religion from anyone, as He says (interpretation of the meaning):

“And whoever seeks a religion other than Islam, it will never be accepted of him, and in the Hereafter he will be one of the losers" [Aal ‘Imraan 3:85]

And the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) told us that groups of his ummah would follow the enemies of Allah in some of their rituals and customs, as it says in the hadeeth of Abu Sa’eed al-Khudri (may Allah be pleased with him), who narrated that the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: “You will certainly follow the ways of those who came before you, span by span, cubit by cubit, until even if they were to enter a lizard’s hole, you would follow them.” We said, “O Messenger of Allah, (do you mean) the Jews and Christians?” He said, “Who else? !” (Narrated by al-Bukhaari in al-I’tisaam bi’l-Kitaab wa’l-Sunnah, Baab Qawl al-Nabi (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) La tattabi’unna Sanan man kaana qablakum, 8/151; and by Muslim in Kitaab al-‘Ilm, Baab Ittibaa’ Sanan al-Yahood wa’l-Nasaara, 4/ 2054)

What the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) spoke of has indeed come to pass and has become widespread in recent times, in many of the Muslim countries. Many of the Muslims follow the enemies of Allah in many of their customs and ways of behaving, and imitate them in some of their rituals and in celebrating their holidays. The matter has been made even worse by the opening up of mass communications between peoples, whereby the rituals and customs of the kuffaar are now transmitted with the glamorous adornment of sound and image from their countries into the Muslim countries, via satellite TV and the World Wide Web (Internet). Many Muslims have been deceived by their glamour. 

Finally, we offer our brothers the following advice:

1 – They should urge the khateebs of the mosques to tell the people and warn them. They should explain this matter to the imaam of the mosque and tell him when this day is approaching. 
2 – Every teacher should explain the reality of this holiday and warn his or her students about it. They will be answerable before Allah tomorrow. They should explain that it is haraam by quoting the Fatwaa of the Standing Committee. All that should begin a week beforehand in order to be of any benefit.

3 – Those who go around and check on people and the headquarters of organizations should be notified of any shops which are selling gifts for this day or which put up pictures showing what the gift is or how it is wrapped.

4 – Each person should make his family members aware of this. Whoever has sisters in school or brothers should tell them and warn them about this matter, because many people are unaware of this holiday and what it means.

We ask Allah to protect the Muslims from the harm of temptations and from the evil of their own selves and the plots of their enemies, for He is the All-hearing Who answers prayers. May Allah send blessings upon His slave and Messenger Muhammad(p.b.u.h), and upon all his family and companions.